Friday, January 25, 2013

Project Pan Number Four

42. Kordel Gingko Biloba

My daily supplement

43. Body Natur Hair Removal Mousse

This was my third bottle and will repurchase again.

44. Dentiste’s Plus White Herbal Toothpaste

I love the fresh peppermint scent. This toothpaste is awesome because it can prevent morning bad breath if you use it night before sleeping.

45. Safi Toothpaste

Normal daily toothpaste. I used it during on call time.

46. SANA Arbutin Soymilk Essence

I don’t see any improvement over my freckles and hyper pigmentation. But it has good rating in I’m doubtful of the effectiveness.

47. Crabtree and Evelyn Rosewater Glycerine Soap

This soap has overly flower smell that caused headache on me. I still don’t know why I purchased it.

I don’t have many empties this month. I’m looking forward for more empties next month. Another 53 products to go.