Saturday, March 30, 2013

Project Pan Number Six

I think this month is a good achievement for me since I managed to finish full size products which have sit on my bathroom counter for ages.

62. Naive Rose Deep Cleansing Foam 150g (a good makeup remover, but too drying on my skin)
63. Shiseido White Lucent Brightening Gel 50g (by the way, I have another 2 of this product in my drawer which are not open yet)
64. Silk Scarf Shampoo from Etude House
65. Silk Scarf Conditioner from Etude House
66. Clinique 7 days scrub cream (this is superb, makes my skin soft and smooth. Definitely will repurchase after I finish my Shiseido face scrub)
67. Lady Speed Stick Deodorant (I have this for a year and finally managed to use it. I don't want to brag, but I really don't have body odour)
68. Designer Collection Perfume (I love the flowery scent and may repurchase it)
69. Cordel Vitamin C 1000mg (daily supplement)
70. Natrol Biotin 10 000mcg (daily supplement)

71, 72, 73, 74, 75. Five sheet masks

 And, the final of today post is not in my project pan. I just want to share my experience. I am starting to take beauty supplement since working in a hospital on a heritage island, which is super HOT. I noticed my skin is starting to get premature ageing due to over exposure to sun. Thus, I chose Kinohimitsu J'pan UV Bright Drink. It's very tasty unlike other beauty supplement. After taking 16 bottles (I take one bottle daily), I still can't see any improvement of my skin. So I already bought another 16 bottles to continue the treatment. Please give some feedback if any of the readers had tried this drinks.